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National Arbor Day Foundation's
Rain Forest Rescue Campaign

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The Arbor Foundation is the world's oldest and largest tree-planting organization. It began more than 120 years ago in Nebraska City, Nebraska, and by now its million members plant millions of trees annually.

The extent of destruction wrought by the burning and bulldozing of rain forest has reached such proportions that it now threatens worldwide consequences.When you accept the invitation to support The National Arbor Day Foundation's Rain Forest Rescue Campaign, you'll be doing more for our planet, and humanity, than you likely realize.

The Dangers to Our Climate
Rain forests exert a powerful control over world climate with their influence on temperature, wind and humidity. In fact, they significantly impact our own rainfall. Yet over 4,000 acres of this irreplaceable forest is being burned off each hour.

That creeping inferno not only threatens everything from agriculture to drinking water, it's poisoning our environment as well. That's because all this uncontrolled burning is pouring forth carbon dioxide faster than surrounding forests can cleanse it from the air. As a result, burning rain forest is a major contributor to the "greenhouse effect" now predicted by so many scientists.

The Loss of Tomorrow's "Miracle Drugs"
While occupying only 2% of the earth's surface, rain forests support well over half of its wild plants, trees, animal and insect life, including vegetation that provides a quarter of today's drugs and medicinesÑtreatments for everything from heart disease to leukemia.

However, 99% of rain forest vegetation has yet to be evaluated for its medical value! Take possible cancer cures alone: it's already been found that some 2,100 varieties of rain forest plants possess cancer fighting properties. And no one knows how many others may do the same. Yet for all its promise as the world's greatest pharmaceutical storehouse, a section of this fragile resource the size of 10 city blocks is being burned off each and every minute!

A Threat to Over Half the World's Wildlife
Rain forests are home to at least 50% of our planet's wild species. And hardly any can survive elsewhere. Hence, the loss among these species (from the howler monkey and toucan to the gorilla and red eyed frog) is skyrocketing as they are squeezed into ever less space.

Since over 685 species of birds, mammals and other wildlife already occupy just four square miles of typical rain forest, many will clearly die off as ever more of this habitat is mowed down.

Burning the Answers to World Hunger
It's ironic that much of the rain forest demolished is burned off for farming---ironic because without trees and plants this delicate land quickly turns barren. It is even more ironic because, if left to science undisturbed, these life-nurturing places could help produce bumper yields worldwide. How? Our own main food crops are as productive as they are because we're learning to interbreed them with their robust, disease-resistant rain forest relatives.

By supporting National Arbor Day Foundation's Rain Forest Rescue Campaign, you'll be helping to end:
*96,000 acres of rain forest burned off every day
*17,000 species of plants and animals wiped out each year
*70% of tomorrow's anticancer drug sources endangered
*Fully one-quarter of all today's medicines imperiled
*30% of man-made carbon dioxide fouling the world's air
*Today's surest source of hardy new food crops imperiled

To help, mail your name, address and phone number to The National Arbor Day Foundation with your contribution. They will preserve a 2,500 square foot tract of rain forest in your name for each $10 you contribute.
National Arbor Day Foundation, 100 Arbor Ave. Nebraska City, NE 68410.

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