Choosing the Best Cleanse
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People ask me daily how to approach detoxifying their body for better health. There are seven important considerations when comparing cleansing programs. 1) Effectiveness The most effective method is an herbal cleanse program because it will help the body release toxins on a cellular level as well as hardened waste lining the intestinal tract. Colonics can help but only tend to clean out what is on the surface of the colon. It’s important to evaluate the power of the herbal combinations in terms of their ability to eliminate toxins and waste from the body in large quantities. You can only fit so many milligrams in a capsule or tablet. Many companies sprinkle in lots of ingredients so they can include them on the label, but it’s better to include more of the best ingredients. There’s not space here to describe or list ingredients but one of my favorites is rhubarb root. Some ingredients I’d avoid are cascara sagrada and senna which can be unnecessarily harsh. 2) Alkalinity Any good cleanse should focus on getting the body alkaline. Most people today are over acid, including most vegetarians, but especially those with a standard American diet or whose health is challenged. It is so crucial before doing any heavy cleansing or fasting that you build up your electrolyte reserve and get the body alkaline. The electrolyte minerals perform extensive tasks in the body, including buffering the acidity from acid forming foods, toxins and stress. When the electrolyte reserve is depleted, the body will steal electrolytes (such as calcium, sodium and potassium) from whatever organ or part of the body where they can be found and will weaken those areas. Even a few hours of stress can use up electrolytes. Cleansing and fasting release toxins and can be stressful. That’s why people often feel wiped out at the end of a fast. Even if they feel good, if they’re acidic they could be weakening themselves. A good program uses both concentrated whole food supplements and changes in diet to help you become alkaline and build up the necessary reserve of electrolytes for safe, easy cleansing and daily optimal health. An alkaline diet is primarily vegetables and fruits. You should also receive pH papers to monitor your alkalinity before progressing to deeper cleansing. 3) Safety and Speed Many programs have you cleansing too fast. Fasting is one example. This can cause extreme discomfort and cleansing reactions, which put too much stress on the liver and kidneys which process the toxins. (This also can happen when you jump right into a fast without cleansing first). A good cleanse has you first cleanse gradually and slowly, while alkalizing your body. This way you release many toxins in advance of the deeper cleanse phase while strengthening your body and intestinal system at the same time. You avoid cleanse reactions by using superior herbs and superfoods to support the liver and all body systems. A cleansing program should be very adjustable and flexible. If you experience cleansing reactions such as tiredness, headache, or upset stomach, there should be adjustments to slow it down while continuing the progress of the cleanse. If you are feeling good and strong, you can increase the tempo of detoxification and cleanse more aggressively. 4) Proper Design Many programs I’ve seen combine herbs, bacteria, psyllium and bentonite into one product that they sell cheaply. The problem is they are mis-designed. Bentonite shakes should be done at separate times of the day than herbs or they will counteract the effectiveness of the herbs. The ideal cleansing program should be carefully designed for maximum ease, safety, and effectiveness by separating the items for use at different times of the day. Psyllium should be avoided as it can be irritating. Better choices include ingredients like Fenugreek Seed and Slippery Elm. Also, adding activated charcoal to the bentonite dramatically enhances the drawing out of toxins. Proper bacteria (not acidophilus which is too acidic), need to be included with the cleansing program to replenish the intestinal flora and aid digestion. 5) Quality Ingredients Before taking nutritional supplements it’s crucial to select ones with high quality ingredients. All the ingredients should be unprocessed, organic or wild-crafted--and it’s good to know how they are manufactured. Most supplements are sent to mass manufacturers who wash their machinery and floors with chemicals. Seek companies who bottle their own products with great care to enhance the life energy of the ingredients. The formulas in your cleansing program should both cleanse and help to rebuild your entire alimentary canal, not just your colon. This will not only help you improve your elimination of wastes, but also your digestion and assimilation of food. With better assimilation you will have more energy and your body won’t be as hungry. Make sure superior, nutrient-rich superfoods and herbs are included in the program to alkalize your body, replenish the organic minerals and intestinal flora, provide a broad range of whole food nutrients (more easily assimilated) and amino acids, and help support and strengthen your immune system. Unfortunately, many supplements today are made with very low-grade ingredients--often in a laboratory--and are essentially pharmaceutical products devoid of life energy. Even those with whole food ingredients are often not organic, chemical free, or high potency. Look for companies that use the purest and highest quality ingredients that are free from damaging chemical additives or artificial ingredients. I prefer all the ingredients to be whole foods or herbs vs. synthetic or isolated nutrients, which are tougher to absorb and can be counter-productive. 6) Advice and Support Only take advice from those getting the results you seek. Make sure you go with a company that will support you by phone if you have questions or concerns. If consulting a holistic practitioner, find out if they: follow a healthy diet; do their own cleanse often; rarely get sick themselves; and are vibrant, enthusiastic, compassionate, and energetic. You want help from people who are living examples of the benefits of the program they are offering. 7) Price There are hundreds of cleansing programs out there. Most are poorly designed and ineffective--containing mainly laxatives that make you think something is happening. Cleansing programs range from $50 for a very simple one (which to be honest doesn’t do a lot, and be careful as these can actually weaken you) up to $200 to $400 for very sophisticated programs, which are carefully designed to make them worthwhile. My recommendation is to choose the higher end program. When it comes to your health, money is not as important as good results. And why waste $50 on a program that has no impact, or even weakens you. A more complete program, although more expensive, can completely change your life. To learn more, you may reach him at (510) 653-5050 or visit his web site at Related Info:
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