Increase Your Bone Density
I had something to celebrate. |
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The good news came
from Kaiser in late December, regarding my bone density scans done a week earlier. In comparison to my scans done in September 2006, bone density in my spine showed a 27.3% increase and bone density in my total hip showed a 26.7% increase. Both areas are now “consistent with normal bone density.” In my scans done in 2005 and 2006, both the spine and the hip were “compatible with osteopenia.” (“Osteopenia” is a term coined in the early 90s to describe bones that are thinning but have not reached the stage of osteoporosis.) I have never had a fracture. From 2006: My spine BMD was 0.881 g/cm2, spine T-score was -1.5, spine z-score 0.2 Total hip BMD 0.688 Total Hip T-score -2.1 Total Hip Z-score -0.9 From 2011: My lumbar spine BMD was 1.122 g/cm2, Lumbar spine T-score 0.7, Lumbar spine Z-score 2.8 Total Hip BMD 0.872 g/cm2 Total Hip T-score -0.6 Total Hip Z-score 0.9 So what have I been doing to effect this change? I take strontium citrate 680 mg in the middle of the night when I get up to use the bathroom. I first read about it in 2005 in a blog by Jonathan Wright, M.D., of the Tahoma Clinic in Seattle. Strontium should be taken 4 hours before and after taking calcium supplements or any food containing calcium, so that’s the reason for the middle-of-the-night timing. I’ve also been taking inexpensive mineral capsules (not tablets) that contain 500 mg calcium as hydroxyapatite (I read this is the most absorbable form), 500 mg magnesium, 5 mg manganese, and 3 mg boron, as well as several other minerals. I take 2 after breakfast and 2 after dinner, along with 1 125-mg capsule of magnesium taurate after breakfast and two after dinner. (I began taking magnesium taurate for atrial fibrillation, not for bone strength, but I believe the extra magnesium has helped my bones as well as the a-fib.) I’ve been buying the mineral capsules online, because I have not been able to find the iron-free formula with hydroxyapatite in any local stores. Some formulas contain too much manganese; others lack boron. I also take 2000 units Vitamin D3 after breakfast and again after dinner. If you do a Google search for Texas neurologist Stasha Gominak, M.D., you’ll find an excellent YouTube video about Vitamin D3. She says we need to keep our levels at 60-80 ug/ml year around, and she explains why. After reading Lara Pizzorno’s excellent and inexpensive book, Your Bones, I started taking a Vitamin K supplement that includes the all-important K2, both the MK4 and Mk7 forms, as well as K1. But my bone density increased without it, probably because I often eat free-range eggs, organic butter, and home-made kim chee, all of which provide a small amount of K2. I also take 1 gram Calcium ascorbate (vitamin C) with bioflavonoids morning and night, Vitamin B-50 (11 components) morning only. I have been doing this for more than thirty years. I eat a huge salad almost every day of greens I grow in my year-round garden. I also eat a lot of broccoli, kale, and chard. During the last 5 years I have eaten almost no dairy products since I am allergic to them. I try to walk at least half a mile every day, often more. I collect water in buckets from my sink and shower (started this during the drought a couple years ago when we were asked to save water; I realized it was great weight-bearing exercise, so when the drought ended, I kept doing it). I lift the heavy buckets out of the sink or tub and use the water either on outdoor plants or to flush the toilet. I just celebrated my 70th birthday. And after receiving this news about my bones, I really felt I had something to celebrate. Related Info: There Is a Cure for Arthritis Preventing Osteoporosis Natural Arthritis Remedies Eating For Health Pain Management: Natural Strategies to Regain Mobility Natural Weight Loss Program recommended by The Share Guide: learn more MORE
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